Thursday Thirteen #1: Things in My Purse

Author: Carleen // Category:
I'm not a big fan of large purses. Over the years, I have learned that the bigger the purse, the more easily I can fill it with junk. And once the handbag is full of junk, it becomes more like a trash bag. So in an effort to curb the junk in my trunk, I began carrying medium sized purses and limiting their contents to a few essentials. Here's my list of 13 Things I Keep in My Purse.

1. Hand Lotion -- This one is a must have for me because I have eczema and when there's an active outbreak going on, the skin on my hands gets dry and cracked from the Elidel that helps to bring the blisters under control. Besides, I carry the sample sizes of several Bath & Body Works lotions which just plain smell good!

2. Safety Pins -- You never know when you'll need one of these little suckers and without fail, if you don't have one in your purse, you'll pop a button at the most strategic place on your shirt or blouse.

3. Blistex -- Ok, I admit to being strange on this one; I love the taste and smell of Blistex. Instead of chapstick with all its fruity flavors, I'll use Blistex every time.

4. iPhone Ear Buds -- I have the official Apple Bluetooth device for my iPhone, but keeping it in my ear is quite challenging. So to avoid getting a ticket, I use the earbuds while driving. I've got some pretty good music on the phone and can listen to it when I don't have calls to answer.

5. 1 Week of Prescripton Meds -- I was a Girl Scout and genuinely believe in being prepared. Since I have to take medication for seizures and migraines, I keep a week's supply on hand at all times, just in case.

6. Spare Keys -- This is another one of those "just in case" things. I have an uncanny knack of locking myself out of house and car, so keeping a spare key for each one in my purse has become a necessity.

7. Nail File -- Although this might come in handy if I ever needed to break out of jail, I keep a nail file on hand mostly because I can't stand rough fingernails. I used to be a serious nailbiter as a kid and always envied my mom's beautiful nails. Now that I no longer bite mine, I tend to let them grow longer than I probably should.

8. Body Spray -- To make me or my car, if needed, smell good. :)

9. Mini First Aid Kit -- Actually, it's just a Ziploc baggie filled with various "just in case" items like Bandaids, needle & thread, Neosporin, miscellaneous buttons, Ibuprofin, screws for the eyeglasses, dental floss, hand & face wipes, a few dollars in coins, etc. Sheesh, I must have been one heck of a good Girl Scout!

10. Spare iPhone Dock and Car Charger -- Because you never know when your phone will need a charge or where you'll be when it does.

11. Medic-Alert Medallion -- I know that I should probably wear this thing, but I'm not too fond of necklaces. I keep it in my purse, pinned to the inside lining where it can be seen. I also keep a list of current medications, allergies, and emergency contact numbers with it -- just in case.

12. Wallet -- Mostly because I need a place to keep my ID, credit cards, insurance cards, and money. If I didn't need to carry these things with me, I'd dump the wallet in a heart beat.

13. Pen & Small Note Pad -- Comes in handy for making lists or notes, or for doodling while waiting for a doctor's appointment.

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2 Responses to "Thursday Thirteen #1: Things in My Purse"

annies home Says :
May 17, 2009 at 1:32 PM

love the list in things in your purse great list

jeng Says :
May 28, 2009 at 8:47 AM

I should learn to carry medium sized purses because my bags are becoming a trash bag :( Thanks for visiting my T13. ; )

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